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Magazine Columns

Select any one column

Priority Review

Your submission will be prioritized above free submissions. Get a response within 72 hours. A full refund will be issued in case of rejection. A free High quality digital copy of the magazine is provided.



Next Cover Page Model

Participate in the competition for featuring on cover page of next edition. The winner of the competition will get published over Front Cover & Instagram. A free High quality digital copy of the magazine is provided.



Competition + FREE High quality digital copy

Front cover

Your image will be printed on the Front cover of the magazine + Guaranteed Publishing over Instagram . You will get a response within 72H(working hours). A free High quality digital copy of the magazine is provided.


$ 49.99

Front cover + FREE High quality digital copy

Submission Pro

With Submission Pro, enjoy Guaranteed Publishing on the Front cover + Back cover + Up to 10 pages coverage + Guaranteed Publishing over Instagram + Complimentary Hard & Digital copy of the magazine. Get a response within 72 hours. A full refund will be issued in case of rejection


$ 99.99

Front & Back cover + Print  & Digital copy

With Submission Pro Max, enjoy Guaranteed Publishing on the Front cover + Back cover + Exclusive Interview + Up to 10 pages coverage + Guaranteed Publishing over Instagram + Complimentary Hard & Digital copies (No. 2) of the magazine. Get a response within 72 hours. A full refund will be issued in case of rejection


$ 149.99

Submission Pro Max

Interview + Front & Back cover + Print  & Digital copy 

With Submission Pro BillBoard, enjoy Guaranteed Publishing on the Front cover + Back cover + Exclusive Interview + Up to 10 pages coverage + Guaranteed Publishing over Instagram + Complimentary Hard & Digital copies (No. 2) of the magazine + Feature over New York Billboard. Get a response within 72 hours. A full refund will be issued in case of rejection


$ 299.99

Submission Pro BillBoard

BillBoard + Interview + Front & Back cover + Print  & Digital copy

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